DIY Craft Cupboard Reveal

Around the middle of December our next-door neighbor put this entertainment center out on the curb with a "free" sign on it. I gasped when I saw it and said, "Greg! Will you help me get this inside?!"

He gave me his "Oh-no-I've-married-a-hoarder/Hee-Haw-am-I-just-muscles-to-you?/Again?-You've-got-to-be-kidding-me" look. Obviously I've learned to read this look quite well. So before he could protest verbally I said, "Ok, ok, I know you think I'm crazy but this would help me organize my craft room so it can all be contained and someday be a nursery when we have kids!"

I could tell he was still dubious so I said, "How about if I can get it in the garage so it's out of the snow, and do all the work on it myself, and all you have to do is bring it inside?"

To be honest I'm not sure what his answer was at the time. Probably an unhappy grunt? Whatever it was, I took it as a challenge, like, "Whatever you say. You might not be able to move it anyway."

The next day was my day off and the entertainment center was still there so I called my lovely and helpful neighbor across the street to see if she had a hand truck I could borrow. She did, and when I explained what I needed it for, she helped me to wrestle this beast into our tiny garage. No small feat, I must admit! Holy cow is this thing heavy!

Glowing with the triumph of getting it in the garage, I grabbed hubby's drill and went crazy. I lightened it up by removing the back panel, the sliding tray for the TV, the shelf for the DVD player, and all but one of the shelves in the lower cabinets.

Feeling pretty good about my power tool abilities and still riding the high from my successes thus far, I removed the doors and drawers, grabbed some rags, and cleaned it from top to bottom.

As you can see from the pictures, the bottom cabinet door had seen better days. I repaired the stripped screw holes with wood glue and toothpicks and clamped the broken piece back on with a generous amount of wood glue.

AAAAaaaaaannnnnnnndddddd......... Then it sat in the garage waiting for the temps to warm up enough so I could use the spray primer I got a sweet deal on.

Finally in February we had some crazy warm weather and I decided to tackle it. I sanded it lightly and sprayed it with the primer.

AAAAaaaaaannnnnnnndddddd......... Then it sat in the garage waiting for me to make up my mind on paint. And it sat. And it sat. And I bought paint at least three different times and took it back without even opening it because I'm that awesome at commitment.

Finally I chose a bright white paint that said it was easy clean-up. Check. Durable. Check. Painted surfaces easily wipe clean. Check. And it was also suitable for outdoor use, so I could justify buying a gallon so we could finally paint over that hideous red door in the back. (Ahem. Don't ask me if I've done that yet.....)

And then the paint sat on the counter. Waiting for Greg to have time and energy and help to bring it in. And I started to wonder how long it could sit there before stirring it became a problem? And was it really the right paint? And would my husband get another hernia trying to move this monstrosity?
But Greg and our good friend Dustin surprised me by moving it to my craft room while I was visiting my parents. I felt like I owed it to them to finish this project since it was such a hassle getting it in. (They even had to take off the top piece to get it through the doorways.)

Then after whining to my mom and sister and anyone who would listen, I finally got up the willpower to tackle the beast last week. I finished painting it in two days and was riding the wave of my success so I decided to put it back together.... instead of getting ready for camping like I was supposed to. Then I selfishly asked Greg to help me figure out why the doors weren't going on like they were supposed to.

If I ever need more proof that I have the most amazing, wonderful, patient, loving, tolerant husband a girl could ask for (I won't, because he proves it all the time) I just have to remember what he said after I asked him. I don't remember his exact words but the gist of it was, "I haven't had more than 5 hours of sleep each night this week. I just put in my fourth 15+ hour day, and I just want to get ready to go camping and then go to sleep." And my stupid selfish self replied, "I know, I'm sorry. It's ok. You don't have to do it. ... It's just that I'm like 99% done and it's just going to bug me the whole time we're camping." Well, my poor, tired, sweet, patient husband sighed, asked for his drill and a tape measure, figured out that I had reversed the tracks the doors slide on, and switched them back. I don't deserve him.

When we got back from camping I noticed that the doors were still crooked for some reason. The top of one was about a quarter of an inch higher than the other. I figured out that if I switched the hinges from the bottom to the top and put the top ones on the bottom it solved the problem.

I bought some pegboard to replace the back panel and painted it a happy blue/teal. I borrowed my dad's staple gun to put it in place.

In February I had seen some fluorescent lights at the DI for just $4 and thought they might work to light the workspace. I love it when things work out like I envision them. :)

We had an Ikea return card from some things I bought for our wedding reception and didn't use. A lot of the stuff there isn't really our style, or not what we need, but I found some organizing things that I thought might work for craft supplies. Greg agreed I should go on a shopping spree! :)

I bought some things (I think were supposed to be for hanging curtains?) I thought would be perfect for hanging my tubes of fabric paint. They came in handy for other stuff, too!

I'm still deciding where to put everything, but that's the nice part about pegboard. You can rearrange as many times as you want! So if you have any suggestions on how to make it more aesthetically pleasing, PLEASE let me know in the comments. I need all the help I can get in that area!

I also bought storage boxes to organize supplies in the bottom cabinets. Please excuse my atrocious handwriting on the labels. I know. I have no business trying to use a camera, trying to be artsy, or being a former English major. It's ok. I've come to terms with these facts.

The paper filing cabinet was my Christmas present from my MIL. (She wisely gave me a Michaels gift card. Considering my craft addiction mixed with my indecisive tendencies, I'd say she knows me pretty well.) I love it! The huge box of cardstock to the left of it is also from her. I'm so spoiled!

Except for getting knobs that all match, and arranging the supplies on the pegboard (Please help!) I'd say it's pretty much done! Phew! It's been quite the journey. And if you've made it this far through this extremely long post, I'm sure you can relate!

Any and all tips and suggestions are welcome!

Have you tackled an epic project? How did it go? Let me know in the comments. :)

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