Nature - My inspiration

I recently applied to join a team on Etsy called "Inspired by Nature." They ask all new applicants to list 5 ways they are inspired by nature. Here are mine:

1. I love stones that are naturally polished by tumbling from their origin down a river. Nature's polisher / rock tumbler!

2. The Fauna. Deer, moose, elk,etc. So quiet, so gentle, so self-reliant in the harsh wilderness in all seasons.

Copyright All rights reserved by Joshua Uhl

3. The colors. Nature has a way of putting together awesome color pallets that go together, well... naturally for lack of a better word. Sunsets, stones, forests, ocean waves... everything.

4. The simplicity. Animals don't carry cumbersome backpacks to hike through the forest. They don't bother with collecting and storing possessions. Less is more.

5. Change. The seasons come and go, plants grow and die, earth erodes into new shapes, nothing is stagnant.

I hated to stop at just five! Another one I would have loved to have listed is my admiration for all the variety in nature. All the different types of creatures and plants. And the fact that they even keep evolving and changing.

My wedding flowers, arranged by my awesome talented sister.
Yes, those are apples :)

My personal belief is that there is a Creator, our Loving Heavenly Father, who has given us the beauty of nature. He has shown His love to me in so many ways, but I would have to say the majority of these experiences throughout my life have occurred during times of quiet introspection while in nature. Just a sense that He created me with the same love and care that He designed all the beautiful things in a forest with. Or a hauntingly beautiful scene that seems to whisper to me, "This is here because I knew it would bring you joy." Or learning that every single snowflake is unique and uniquely beautiful, which helps me as I try to fathom how the same can be true about every human, including myself.

Creativity to me is an outlet for that divine part of me, since I am a daughter of God. A chance for me to practice in a small way, as I create things that were not there before.

My hope is that my creations will bring people joy and inspiration just as God's creations do. I'm inspired by so many artists and crafters who share their talents and beautiful creations. It's an awesome community to be a part of.

Let me know in the comments how nature inspires you and what else you gain inspiration from.

Happy crafting!

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